"Provided that none of the provisions of this Act shall
apply to Caroline county."
Which was adopted.
On motion by Mr. Stevens,
Said bill was ordered to lie over and be made the order of
the day for Tuesday, April 4th, 1876.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Judicial Proceedings,
(by unanimous consent,) reported favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to regulate gas metres in the
City of Baltimore.
With the following proposed amendment:
Strike out 3rd Sec. and insert "Sec. 3. And be it, further
enacted, That any consumer may, at any time, cause said
apparatus or metre, to be tested by the Inspector and Sealer of
gas-metres of Baltimore city, who shall make said test in the
presence of the consumer, and of an agent of the Gas Company
by which the gas may be supplied it desired, and shall furn-
ish to the consumer a certificate, under oath, of the true con-
dition and working of said apparatus or metre, and if it shall
be found, upon any such test, that said apparatus or metre
is registering gas in favor of said Company, then, in the ab-
sence of any fraud upon the part of the consumer, the said
Company shall refund to the consumer an amount in lawful
money, equal to the per centage that the said apparatus or
metre has been registering too fast upon the bills of said con-
sumer, registered tiy said apparatus or metre for the four
months next preceding the said test, unless the said Com-
pany can prove that such inspection and certificate do not
show the correct result; and in case such refunding does take
place, the said Company shall also pay the expenses incur-
red in making said test."
Which was adopted.
Said bill, as amended, was then read the second time and
ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for the collection
and preservation of statistics of crime and pauperism in this
Was read the third time and passed by yeas and nays as
Messrs. Aydelotte, Lee,
Brewer, Lawrence,