1876.] OF THE SENATE. 283
Senate bill entitled aa Act to repeal Sections 205, 206,
and 212, of Article 4, of the Public Local Laws, of the State
of Maryland, relating to the City of Baltimore, sub-title
"Elections," and to re-enact Section, 205, 206 and 212, with
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal an Act, passed at
January Session, 1874, entitled "an Act to repeal an Act,
passed at January Session, 1870, relating to the registration
of voters, and to re-enact the same with amendments," and
each and all the Sections of Article ——, title "Registra-
tion," sub-title "Voters, Citizenship and payment of Regis-
tration Officers," of the Code of Public General Laws, and
to enact the following in lieu thereof, under the Article and
title "Registration of Voters."
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal an Act, passed at the
January Session, 1870, entitled "an Act to change the pro-
visions of Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of the
State," title "Baltimore city," relating to the term of office
of the Mayor of said city as provided in and by Section 9, oi
said Article. -.
Senate bill entitled an Act t> repeal Sections 199,200,
202, 203 and 216, of Article 4, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title " City of Baltimore," sub-title "Elections," and
to re-enact Sections 199 and 216, with amendments.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 4, 15 and 16,
of Article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Senate bill entitled an Act to change the provisions of Sec-
tions 1 and 3 of the Constitution of Maryland, title "City of
Which were severally read the first time and ordered to
be printed.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 21 of Article
38 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Fees of Offi-
cers," sub-title "Notaries Public," and to re-enaet the same
with amendments,
Was read the second time and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.
The hour of 1 o'clock having arrived, the President an-
nounced the order of the day to be
The Senate bill entitled an Act to protect aud to prevent
the destruction of the class of small birds, known as insectiv-
erous birds in St. Mary's county.
Which was read the third time and passed by yeas and
nays as follows: