Cecil County—Alexander H, Briscoe, Albert Constable,
William Ward,
Prince George's County—DeWilton Snowden, Samuel B.
Hance, Wm. H. Gwynn, of Thos.
Queen Anne's County—Charles E. Cockey, Willard H.
Worcester County—John R. Purnell, Henry T. Onley.
Frederick County—Christopher M, Riggs, William H.
Hinks, Henry Clay Naill, Robert E, Linthicum, John A.
Harford County—P. H. Rutledge, Andrew Boyle, Murray
Caroline County—R. B. Culbreth, G. W. Goldsborough.
Baltimore City—H. Welles Rusk, August Berkemeier, C.
W. Lewis, J. J. McWillmms, F. S. Hoblitzell, John T.
McGlone, Thomas Coburn, William E. Stewart, Charles J.
McAIeese, John Gill, Jr., Henry B. Hart, Henry E. Loane,
Edward J. Chaisty, Marcus Hess, Bernard L. Harig, Edward
W. Albaugh, Henry Sanders, John J. Fenton.
Washington County—J. McPherson Scott, Lewis C. Smith,
Joseph H. Farrow, Henry E. Ranger.
Montgomery County—Somerset O. Jones, William M. Can-
by, Howard Griffith.
Allegany County—George M. Rawlings, Henry R. Atkin-
son, William O. Sprigg, John R. Brooke.
Carroll County—Frank Brown, Jacob Rinehart, Harrison
H. Lamotte, Somerset R. Waters.
Howard County—John J. Donaldson, John R. Clark.
Wicomico County—B. R. Dashiell, William G. Gordy.
Garrett County—William R. Barnard, Richard T. Brown-
Mr. Neal submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the thanks of this Bouse be tendered to Mr.
Gill, of Baltimore city, for the able and dignified manner in
which he hap discharged the duties of temporary Speaker.
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following order:
Ordered, That Milton Y. Kidd, of Cecil county, be de-
clared the Chief Clerk of this House, and W. H. Cole, of
Baltimore city, Reading Clerk.
Which was read,