Baldwin, Hinks, Chaisty,
Curtis, Ruak, Sanders,
Given, Berkemeier, Rawlings,
Fitzjarrell, Lewis, Atkinson,
Dodson, McWilliams, Sprigg—28.
Smith, Speaker, Gwynn, Harig,
Dunbar, Purnell, Scott,
Boyer, Riggs, Farrow,
Robinson, Naill, Ranger,
Turner, Linthicum, Jones,
Bird, Koons, Can by,
Lancaster, Rutledge, Griffith,
Hawkins, Boyle, Brown,
Whitelock, Vandiver, Rinehart,
Smith, of B. co., Culbreth, Lamotte,
Lankford, Goldsborough, Donaldson,
Smith, of Dor., Gill, Dashiell,
Briscoe, Hess, Browning—40.
So the motion to substitute the bill for the unfavorable re-
port was not sustained.
The question then recurring upon the unfavorable report
of the Committee.
It was adopted.
Mr. Clark, Chairman of the Committee on Manufactures, re-
ported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 2 and 3, of chapter
3, of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled an Act to limit
the hours of labor in this State for all minors under 16 years
of age, and re-enact the same with amendments.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Loane, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations,
reported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 4, of the Act of
1860, chapter 274, entitled an Act to incorporate the Balti-
more and Liberty Turnpike Company, and to enact a substi-
tute therefor.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Harig, Chairman of the Committee on Claims, re-
ported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of money to
pay John J. Abbott, late Collector of State taxes in Carroll
county, the amount overpaid by him into the Treasury.
Which was read a first time.