ble member, and requesting this House in respect to the
memory of the deceased, to adjourn immediately on the con-
clusion of such remarks of respect to his memory as may be
offered, and respectfully concur therein.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read, assented to, and sent to the Senate.
On motion of Mr. Hoblitzell,
At 3.45 o'clock, P. M., the House adjourned.
THURSDAY, February 3rd, 1876.
The House metj and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Steele.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Dunbar, Mattingly, Boyer, Usil-
ton, Hodges, Robinson, Turner, Bird, Lancaster, Hawkins,
Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock, Curtis, Smith, of Balt co., Giv-
en, Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lanklord, Gunby, Ford, Lambdin,
Smith, of Dor., Waters, of Dor., Briscoe, Constable, Ward,
Snowden, Gwynn, Cockey, Purnell, Riggs, Hinks, Naill,
Linthicum, Koons, Rutledge, Boyle, Vandiver, Cnlbreth,
Goldsborough, Rnsk, Berkemeier, Lewis, McWilliams,
Hoblitzell, McGlone, Coburn, Stewart, McAleese, Gill, Hart,
Loane, Chaisty, Hess, Hang, Albaugh, Sanders, Fenton,
Scott, Farrow, Ranger, Jones, Canby, Griffith, Rawlings.
Atkinson, Sprigg, Brooke, Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Wa-
ters, of Car'l., Donaldson, Clark, Dashiell, Gordy, Bar-
nard, Browning—80.
The Speaker announced the following Select Committee,
on the part of the House, on the Joint Committee on Investi-
gation Southern Maryland Railroad Company:
Messrs. Lancaster, Lewis, Snowden, Mattingly, Lamotte,
Cockey and Riggs.