Whereupon the Speaker, in the presence of both Houses,
declared that the Hon. John Lee Carroll having received the
highest number of votes was duly elected Governor for the
term of four years, as prescribed by the Constitution, Article
2, Section 1.
The Speaker then declared the Joint Assembly adjourned.
The Senators thereupon returned to the Senate Chamber.
The House then resumed the business of the Session.
Mr, Whitelock submitted the following order :
WHEREAS, it appears by the Comptroller's Report for the
year 1874, that the sum of $191,152.67 was expended under
the head of "Legislation ;"
Ordered, That that officer present to this House, at an
early day, a statement of such expenditure, showing in de-
tail the per diem paid the members of the Senate and House
of Delegates respectively ; the amount paid the officers of
each House; the amount paid for stationery; and the amount
paid for other purposes, whereby this House may be enabled
to judge understandingly what items of expenditure may be
curtailed without detriment to the public service.
Which was read.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the order,
Mr. Scott submitted the following amendment:
Amend by adding "And that he be instructed to present
to this House at the same time, the number of employees ot
the last House of Delegates, the compensation and nature
of the service of each employee, and the time of actual ser-
vice of each person so employed.''
Which was read.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
Mr. Scott demanded the yeas and nays,
The dmand being sustained, the yeas and nays were called
and appeared as follows :
Smith, Speaker, Lankford, Culbreth,
Turner, Gunby, Goldsborough,
Bird, Ford, Scott,
Hawkins, Smith, of Dor., Farrow,
Hooper, Waters, of Dor, Ranger,
Baldwin, Ward, Jones,