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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1600   View pdf image (33K)
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Smith, Speaker, Rutledge, Ranger,
Bird, Vandiver, Rawlings,
Hooper, Goldsborough, Atkinson,
Baldwin, Rusk, Sprigg,
Whitelock, McGlone, Brooke,
Curtis, Chaisty, Rinehart,
Smith, of B. co., Harig, Donaldson,
Riggs, Sanders, Barnard,
Hinks, Scott, Browning—29.
Naill, Farrow,
Dunbar, Gunby, Lewis,
Mattingly, Lambdin, Coburn,
Boyer, Smith, of Dor., McAleese,
Usilton, Waters, of Dor., Gill,
Hodges, Constable, Hart,
Robinson, Snowden, Albaugh,
Rullman, Gwynn, Fenton,
Turner, Cockey, Jones,
Lancaster, Neal, Brown,
Given, Purnell, Waters, of C'l,
Fitzjarrell, Onley, Clark,
Dodson, Culbreth, Dashiell,
Lankford, Berkemeier, Gordy—39.
So the motion to strike out the enacting clause of the bill
did not prevail.
Mr. Gill submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, sub-section 112, line 127, strike out the words,
"without stay of execution."
Which was rejected.
The bill was then read a third time.
Mr. Lewis moved that the House do now take a recess
until 8 o'clock this P. M,
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion,
Mr. Rutledge demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Hodges, Cockey, Loane,
Turner, Rusk, Chaisty,

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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1600   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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