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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1592   View pdf image (33K)
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Boyer, Rusk, Sanders,
Usilton, Berkemeier, Fenton,
Robinson, Lewis, Brown,
Briscoe, McWilliams, Waters, of Car'l,
Snowden, Hoblitzell, Browning—23.
Gwynn, Stewart,
So the motion prevailed and the enacting clause was strick-
en oat.
Mr. Robinson submitted the following message:
April 3rd, 1876.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
We have received your message asking the House to recede
from certain amendments proposed by your Honorable Body,
to House bill No. 65, and asking the appointment of a Commit-
tee of Conference thereon.
We have named on the part of the House Messrs. Robin-
son, Rinehart and Onley.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read, assented to, and sent to the Senate.
The Secretary of the Senate returned,
The bill entitled an Act making appropriations for the
support of the State Government for the year ending the 31st
day of December, 1877.
Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays with proposed
Insert appropriation to State Vacine Agent for rent of
box in Safe Deposit Company, for the use of the Officers of
the Treasury Department "one hundred dollars."
Section 1, under title "Schools," strike out the words
"four hundred and sixty-nine," and insert "five hundred
and twenty-five."
To the Trustee's of the Female High School the sum of
two thousand dollars, which shall be in full for any or all
amounts that may become due under the provisions of the
Act of 1874, chapter 403.
Under title miscellaneous to the Mount Vernon Associa-
tion, represented in this State by Mrs. Emily L. Harper, as
Vice-Regent, one thousand dollars for the purpose of assist-
ing in protecting and preserving the home and burial place
of George Washington.

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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1592   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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