No. 202. An Act to authorize the Trustees of I. R. Trim-
ble, to construct a pier on Light street, Baltimore, at the
foot of Welcome alley.
No. 217. An Act making further appropriations for the
support of the Government, and Schools and Reformatory
Institutions for the year ending the 31st day of December,
No. 177. An Act to allow the County Commissioners of
Charles county, to pay Richard Barnes, Sr., the usual per
diem and compensation daring the time he was prevented in
1874 and 1875, by sickness, from attending as Chief Judge
of the Orphans' Court.
No; 178. An Act to amend Section 135, of Article 12, of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Harford county," sub-
title "Sheriff," as amended by chapter 24, Act of 1874.
No. 179. An Act to repeal Section 55 to 64, inclusive, of
the Public Local Laws of Baltimore county, entitled "Trea-
surer," and enact the following entitled "Treasurer and
Collector," in lieu thereof.
Which was read.
On motion of Mr. Lewis,
At 8.15 P. M., the House took a recess until 4 o'clock this
P. M.
FRIDAY, March 31st, 1876.
The House met at 4 o'clock.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Mattingly, Boyer, Usilton,
Hodges, Robinson, Turner, Bird, Hooper, Baldwin, White-
look, Curtis, Smith, of B. co., Given, Fitzjarrell, Dodson,
Lank ford, Gunby, Ford, Lambdin, Smith, of Dor,, Waters,
of Dor., Briscoe, Constable, Ward, Snowden,Gwynn, Cockey,
Neal, Purnell, Onley, Riggs, Hinks, Naill, Koons, Rut-
ledgfl, Boyle, Vandiver, Culbreth^ Goldsborough, Rusk, Berk-
emeier, Lewis, McWilliams, McGlone, Stewart, McAleese,
Gill, Loane, Chaisty, .Harig, Sanders, Fenton, Scott, Far-
[See image for text]