No. 216. An Act to repeal Section 1 of Article 38, of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Officers' Fees," and to
re enact the same so tar as relates to Dorchester, Caroline,
Kent, Talbot, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, Charles and
Harford counties.
Chief Clerk.
Mr. Sprigg, Chairman of a Select Committee, (the rules
being suspended,) reported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to prevent the erection or mainte-
nance of slaughter houses near public roads or dwellings in
Allegany county.
Which was read a first time.
The bill entitled an Act for the better regulation of all
organizations chartered by the Courts of Baltimore city,
under the General Incorporation Act, passed in 1868, and
for the protection of the members thereof, excepting from
the provisions of thin Act, only Banking Institutions, Rail-
road, Fire, Life and Marine Insurance Companies,
Being upon a second reading,
On motion of Mr. Gill,
The enacting clause was stricken out.
Mr. Goldsborough moved to reconsider the vote by which
the enacting clause was ordered to be stricken out.
On motion of Mr. Donaldson,
The motion to reconsider was laid on the table.
The bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 2 and 6, and to
repeal and re-enact with amendment, Sections 1,3, 4 and 5,
ot chapter 150, of the Acts of 1874, entitled an Act to es-
tablish a Commission of Fisheries of the State of Maryland,
define its duties, and to appropriate a sum of money to defray
the expenses thereof, reducing the number of Commission-
ers to one, and providing an increase of the salary for said
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for a
third reading.
The bill entitled an Act for the promotion and regulation
of Loan and Building Associations,
Being upon a second reading,
Mr. Snowden submitted the following amendment;
Section 1, line 2, strike out the words "mutual or other-
Which was adopted.