The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Smith, Speaker, Neal, Fenton,
Mattingly, Purnell, Jones,
Boyer, Onley, Canby,
Usilton, Boyle, Griffith,
Hodges, Vandiver, Rawlings,
Robinson, Culbreth, Sprigg,
Rullman, Coburn, Bruoke,
Fitzjarrell, Stewart, Brown,
Lankford, McAleese, Rinehart,
Ford, Gill, Lamotte,
Briscoe, Loane, Waters, of Car'l,
Ward, Chaisty, Chirk,
Snowden, Hess, Dashiell,
Hance, Harig, Gordy,
Gwynn, Albaugh, Barnard,
Cockey, Sanders, Browning—48.
Dunbar, Gunby, Koons,
Turner, Waters, of Dor., Scott,
Hooper, Riggs, Farrow,
Baldwin, Hiuks, Ranger—13.
Smith, of B. co.,
So the Report of the Committee on Elections was adopted.
Pending the call of the roll, Mr. Whitelock declined to
vote for the reasons following :
Deeming the action of the House in the matter under con-
sideration as eminently judicial, I have persistently declined
reading any outside evidence bearing on the subject.
The closing days of the Session have now arrived, and the
report of the Committee on Elections, with the testimony on
which it is founded, is laid before the House; without an op-
portunity even to read any of the papers, much less to weigh
the testimony and arrive .at a proper decision, I am compelled
to decline voting on the question now before the House,
Mr. Curtis asked to be excused from voting.
On motion of Mr. Vandiver,
Mr. Curtis was excused from voting.
M r. Given declined to vote and submitted the following
I would respectfully decline to vote on this question, for
the simple reason that I have only heard a summary of the