Atkinson, Sprigg, Brooke, Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Wa-
ters, of Carroll, Donaldson, Clark, .Dashiell, Gordy, Bar-
Bard, Browning—80.
The Speaker laid before the House the petition of the Trus-
tees of the Johns Hopkins University, for exemption of the
property of the University.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
Mr. Donaldson presented the petition of J. F. Carter, of
Howard county, praying for relief from payment of school
tax diverted to other purposes than the support of the free
public schools.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
Mr. Loane presented the petition of William Walker own-
er of 175 acres, and other property holders of Baltimore,
asking for removal of State Cattle Scales.
Which was referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Mr. Dodson submitted the following order,
Ordered, That each of the reporters of this House, receive
three hundred dollars, and that the Committee on Claims
pay the same on the order of the Chief Clerk.
Which was read.
On motion of Mr. Rusk, it was
Ordered, That no member be allowed to speak longer
than five minutes at any one time, or more than once on the
same subject, except by unanimous consent of the House.
On motion of Mr. Berkemeier, it was
Ordered, That Dr. Chaisty be excused from attendance on
the sessions of this House to-day, he being absent on account
of a subpoena for his appearance at Court.
On motion of Mr. Ranger, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Scott be excused for non-attendance on-
March 20th and 27th, as he was unavoidably absent en both
March 28, 1876.
The following bill having passed both branches of the-
General Assembly, was this day presented to his Excellency,
the Governor, for his approval.
No. 189, An Act making 'appropriations for the support of
the State Government, for the year ending thirty-first of
December, eighteen hundred and seventy-six.
Chief Glerks