despaired of puccess in proposing an absolute repeal, or any
material modification of the said laws.
Second. Resolved, That, in common with the law-abiding
citizens throughout our city and State, we rely upon the in-
tegrity and fidelity to then high trust of the Senators and
Delegates to the General Assembly, for the prompt rejection
of any such bill, and bill tending to impair the efficiency of
our Sunday Laws.
Third. Resovled, That the President of this meeting ap-
point a Committee of as many citizens as he may deem proper,
and that the President be requested to act as Chairman of
said Committee, to go to Annapolis, and to cause a copy of
the foregoing preamble and resolutions, signed by the Presi-
dent and Secretary of this meeting, to be presented to the
Bouse of Delegates and to the Senate, and that a copy there-
of, signed as aforesaid, be furnished to the press of this city
for publication.
Which was read and referred to the Baltimore city and
Baltimore county delegations.
Mr. Gill presented the petition of 80 citizens of Baltimore
against the passage of the Assessment Law.
Also, the petition of 250 citizens of Baltimore against the
Assessment Law.
Which were severally and referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means.
Mr. Fenton presented the petition of B, D, Mullikin and
60 others for the removal of the cattle scales.
Mr. Rusk presented the petition of B. Levering & Ce.,
Henry R. Crane, E. C. Small, F. A. and R. Levering and 25
Other merchants of Baltimore city, against the passage of the
Assessment bill now before the Legislature.
Mr. Berketneier presented the petition of Geo. Appold &
Son, Thos. A Wilson & Bro., Wm. H. Millikcn, S. Corner,
Jr., W, H, Appold, Geo. N. Appold, Richard H. Pleasants,
merchants of Baltimore, against the passage of the Assess
ment bill now belore the Legislature.
Mr, Chaisty presented the petition of Gill & Fisher, R. F.
Eteler & Co , B. J. Snow & Co., Upshur Johnson, Ransom &
Co., and 58 other merchants of Baltimore city, against the
passage of the Assessment bill now before the Legislature.
Mr. Stewart presented the petition of S. Bevan & Co.,