Smith, of B. co., Culbreth, Waters, of Car'l.,
Fitzjarrell, Rusk, Donaidson,
Dodson, McGlone, Gordy,
Lankford, Stewart, Barnard,
Gunby, Gill, Browning-—51.
Ford, Chaisty,
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
The bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of money,
to pay the claims of J. F. Wiggins, D. Caulk, Henry M.
Tiralla, J. E. Tate, Richard Tydings, J. H. Handy, David
Leonard, George W. McLaughlin, M. McCormick, Medairy
& Bowers and Willian T. Markland & Brother,
Being upon a third reading.
Mr. Gill moved that the bill be re!erred to the Committee
of the Whole House,
Decided in the affirmative,
On motion of Mr. Gill,
The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the
whole House, Mr. Donaidson in the Chair.
After sometime passed in the Committee of the whole
House, the Committee rose, and through Mr. Donaidson,
Chairman, reported that the Committee of the whole House,
to whom had been referred,
The bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of money to
pay the claims of John F. Wiggins, Daniel Caulk, Henry
Tiralla, James E. Tate, Richard Tydings, John H.
Handy, David Leonard, George McLaughlin, Moses Mc-
Cormick, Medairy & Bowers, and William T. Markland &
Had had the same under consideration, and reported the
bill to the House, with certain proposed amendments:
Strike out after the word "Comptroller," in line 17, to the
word "George" in line 19.
Strike out from word "two" in line 21, to the word "to"
in line 23.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
Mr. Gill demanded the yeas and nays,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows.