Usilton, Lambdin,. Chaisty,
Hodges, Briscoe, Albaugh,
Rohinson, Hance, Jones,
Rullman, Cockey, Canby,
Bird, Neal, Griffith,
Lancaster, Purnell, Sprigg?
Hooper, Rutledge, Rinehart,
Whitelock, Boyle, Donaldson,
Curtis, Culbreth, Clark,
Smith, of B. eo. Rusk, Dashiell,
Given, Lewis, Browning—40.
Lankford, Hoblitzell,
Boyer, Naill, Farrow,
Baldwin, Koons, Ranger,
Fitzjarrell, Vandiver, Atkinson,
Dodson, Stewart, Brooke,
Riggs, Scott, Waters,of Car'l--16.
So the motion prevailed, and the House at 3 o'clock P M.
took a recess until 8 o'clock this P. M.
WEDNESDAY, March 22d, 1876.
The House met at 8 o'clock, P. M.
Present at the call of the roll'the following members :
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Dunbar, Mattingly, Boyer, Usil-
ton, Hodges, Robinson, Rullman, Turner, Bird, Lancaster,
Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock, Curtis, Smith, of B. co., Given,
Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lankford, Gunby, Ford, Lambdin,
Smith, of Dor., Briscoe, Snowden, Hance, Gwynn, Cockey,
Neal, Purnell, Onley, Riggs, Naill, Koons, Rutledge, Boyle,
Vandiver, Culbreth, Goldsborough, Rusk, Berkemeier, Lewis,
McWilliams, Hoblitzell, McGlone, Stewart, McAleese, Gill,
Loane, Chaisty, Harig, Albaugh, Sanders, Fenton, Scott,
Farrow, Ranger, Jones, Canby, Rawlings, Atkinson, Sprigg,
Brooke, Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Waters, of Car'l, Don-
alson, Clark, Dashiell, Gordy, Barnard, Browning—74.
On motion of Mr, Gill, (the rules being suspended,)
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to declare the Monday im-
mediately preceding Tuesday, the 4th day of July, 1876, a
legal holiday.