On motion of Mr. Atkinson,
Leave was granted to the Allegany delegation, to intro-
duce a bill extending the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace
in Allegany county, to cases of assault and battery.
On motion of Mr. Rutledge,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Claims, to intro-
duce a bill to pay Wm. Young and George Y. Maynadier,
the sum of—— dollars, in full of claim for services rendered
the State of Maryland as counsel in the argument of the man-
damns case of Cahen vs Jarrett, in the Circuit Court for
Harford county, and in the Court of Appeals.
On motion of Mr. Chaisty,
Lenve was granted to the Committee on Claims, to intro-
duce a bill to pay David R. Brown a sum of money due him.
The House then resumed the consideration of the unfin-
ished business of-yesterday, being
The bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 1 and 2, of sub-
chapter 2, Sec. 6, of sub-chapter 3, Secs. 1 and 5, of sub-ch.
4, and Sec. 2, of sub-ch. 10, of ch. 877, of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Ses-
sion, 1870, entitled an Act to repeal an Act passed at the
January Session, 1868, entitled "Public Education," pro-
viding a general system of Free Public Schools for the State
of Maryland, and to repeal all laws inconsistent therewith,
and to re enact the same with amendments, as amended by
ch. 463, bf the Acts passed at the January Session, 1874,
and to substitute other Sections in lieu of those repealed, and
to add new Sections to sub-ch. 4, of said first named Act, to
be numbered 10 and 11.
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion
submitted by Mr. Hoblitzell on yesterday, to reconsider the
vote by which the amendment submitted by Mr. Golds-
borough was adopted,
Mr. Robinson demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Smith, Speaker, Hance, Sanders,
Dunbar, Gwynn, Fenton,
Mattingly, Cockey, Jones,
Boyer, Neal, Canby,
Usilton., Furnell, Griffith,
Hodges, Onley, Atkinson,
Robinson, Boyle, Sprigg,