second and third legislative districts of Baltimore, on the 2d
of November last past.
Which was adopted.
Mr. Koons submitted the following order :
WHEREAS, There should be no discrimination in this State
against any citizen, by which his right to a full participa-
tion in the Government might be lessened, impaired or pre-
vented by law ; therefore
Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be in-
structed to report a bill so amending the Constitution as to
remove the disability of Ministers or Preachers of the Gospel,
as provided for in the 11th Sec. of the 3d Art. of the Con-
stitution .
Which was read.
Mr. Stewart submitted the following amendment:
"And make them liable to military, jury and all other
duties that other citizens are subject to."
The amendment was rejected.
On motion of Mr. McGlone,
The order was then laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Donaldson, it was
Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal, that had Mr.
Cockey been present on Monday, the 20th inst., he would
have voted for the adoption of the majority report of the
Committee on Ways and Means, and for the passage of the
bill and resolutions relating to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Company.
On motion of Mr. Lancaster,
Ordered, That the bills reported by the Select Committee
on Temperance, be immediately printed, and copies be
promptly placed on the desks of the Members of this House.
Mr. Stewart submitted the following
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Paintings now in the Senate Chamber, may be removed
by the Commission representing the State, on the occasion of
the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of Amer-
ican Independence, for exhibition in the building erected by
Maryland on the Centennial Grounds at Philadelphia.
Which was read a first time, and
On motion of Mr. Stewart, (the rules being suspended,
by unanimous consent,)
Was read a second time and passed by yeas and nays as