The bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact Section 6t,
and add Sub-Sections to an Act passed January Session,
1868, chapter 159, entitled an Act to alter and amend cer-
tain Sections, and add additional Sections to Article 12 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, relating to Havre de Grace, in
Harford county,
Being upon a second reading,
Mr. Vandiver submitted the following amendment :
Sub-Section 8, strike out the words "third Monday in
June," and insert "first Monday in July."
The proposed amendment was adopted, and the bill, as
amended, read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.
The bill entitled an Act to authorize, if in their discretion
they shall deem the same proper, the County Commissioners
of Harford county, shall issue bonds, the proceeds of which
to be used for the purpose of paying the debt held due by the
Board of County School Commissioners of said county,
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for a
third reading.
On motion of Mr. Goldsborough,
. The House proceeded to the consideration of the unfavor-
able report of the Committee on Ways and Means, upon
The hill entitled an Act to authorize the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore city, to subscribe to the capital stock of
the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Railroad Com-
pany, or to endorse the bonds of said Company.
On motion of Mr. Goldsborough,
The bill was substituted for the unfavorable report, and
read a first time.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to enable the qualified
voters of Caroline county to determine by ballot whether
spirituous or fermented liquors shall be sold in said county,
or any Election Districts thereof, or a license granted for the
sale of the same,
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and nays as
Smith, Speaker, Smith, of Dor., McGlone,
Duubar, Waters, of Dor., Gill,
Mattingly, Briscoe, Chaisty,
Boyer, Snowden, Scott,
Usilton, Hance, Farrow,