Mr. Robinson, from the Committee on Ways and Means,
reported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to defray the expenses incurred by
the State, in the prosecution of parties for violation of the
Oyster Laws and to require certain duties of the Clerks of
the Circuit Court and Sheriffs of the several counties of the
State in relation thereto.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Naill, Chairman of a Select Committee, reported fa-
A bill entitled an Act to lay out and establish a new elec-
tion district in Frederick county, out of part of Liberty Dis-
trict No. 8, to be called Linganore Distiict, or Election Dis-
trict No. 20.
Which was read a first time.
The bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 63 to 77 inclu-
sive, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore, Article
3, and the Laws of Maryland for 1872, ch. 271, as far as the
same relates to Baltimore county, entitled "County Commis-
sioner, " and to enact the following in lieu thereof, was
considered, and,
On motion of Mr. Baldwin,
Was recommitted to the Baltimore county delegation.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to refund taxes on oyster
house licenses to Hugh B. Valliant and T. F. Amlut, of
Talbot county, erroneously paid to the State, was considered,
On motion of Mr. Dodson,
Recommitted to the Committee on Claims.
The bill entitled an Act to provide for the regulation of
the sale of spirituous and fermented liquors in Cecil county,
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for a
third reading.
The bill entitled an Act to refund to Zadok Marshall,
late Collector of Worcester county, the sum of seventy-five
dollars and twenty-two cents, by whom heretofore paid to the
Treasury of the State,
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for
a third reading.
The Senate bill entitled entitled an Act to pay and com-
pensate D. Jas. Blackistone for services in the United States
Court, in defence of Officers of Registration, and presented
therein for violation as alleged, of the Act of Congress, enti-
tled "An Act to enforce the rights of citizens of the United