No. 106. An Act to repeal Sections 2 and 8, of the Act
passed January Session, 1868, to incorporate the Parktonand
Manchester Railroad Company, and re-enact the same to
read as follows.
No. 107. An Act to repeal Sub section 5, of chapter 94, of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland» passed at
the January Session, 1872, and entitled an Act to enable or
advise the County Commissioners of Allegany county, under
Article 1, of the Code of Public Local Law-', entitled "Al-
legany County," under the head of "County Commissioners,"
to appoint a County Treasurer to receive and disburse the
county taxes under their orders, by adding after Section 20,
of Article 1, the following Sub-section thereto, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
No. 108. An Act to extend the jurisdiction of the Jus-
tices of the Peace for St. Mary's and Baltimore counties, to
cases of assaut and battery.
No. 109. An Act to authorize the Town Commissioners of
Bel-Air, or the Treasurer of said town, to receive and receipt
for certain moneys.
No. 110. An Act to repeal Section 17, of Article 13, of
the Public Local Lawg of Howard county, and re-enact the
same with amendments.
No. 111. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners
of Frederick county, to adjust and settle the account of Wil-
liam R. Dorsey, Register of Voters for Woodville Election
District No. 18, of said county, by paying him such compen-
sation for extra services by him rendered as Register afore-
said, as they may deem right and proper.
No. 112. An Act to repeal Sections 5 and 7, of Article 10,
of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Attach-
ments," and re-enact the same with amendments*
No. 113. An Act to repeal Section 5, of chapter 381, of
the Acts of 1872, entitled an Act to provide for the destruc-
tion of hawks and owls, and to protect the class of small
birds, known as "Insect iverous Birds," in Prince George's,
Talbot and Montgomery counties, and to re-enact the same
with amendments, so as to exclude Montgomery and Talbot
counties from the provibions of said Section.
No. 114. An Act to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Kent county, to have several of the Land Record
Books of said county rebound, and to continue the general
index of judgments and decrees on the dockets of said Court,
from the year 1864.
No. 121. An Act to repeal chapter 221, of the Acts passed.