for white children, to be known as the new Cambridge Semi-
nary, to be built on the old premises where the old Seminary
is now located, or to purchase or exchange land for a new site
for same to be erected thereon and for enlarging, remodeling,
improving and equipping the East Cambridge school for white
children, or to build a new East Cambridge school, and to
equip same and for enlarging, remodeling, improving and
equipping the Secretary school for white children, or to build
a new Secretary school and to equip same and for improving
and equipping the Eldorado school for white children, and
for improving and equipping the Hoopers Island High School
for white children, and for improving and equipping the Hud-
son school for white children, and for enlarging and equip-
ping the Crapo High School for white children, and to erect
and equip a new school for colored children in Cambridge, and
to purchase a site therefor, if necessary, and to erect and
equip a new school for colored children at Reids Grove, con-
sisting of one room, and to purchase a site therefor, if neces-
sary, and to repair and improve the County schools for
children, and for funds to be expended for a public
playground in the City of Cambridge, The County Commis-
sioners of Dorchester County, Maryland, are hereby authorized
and empowered, in their discretion, to borrow on the faith and
credit of Dorchester County a sum not exceeding One Hun-
dred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, 000. 00), and to issue
bonds therefor from time to time in such amount or amounts
as may be deemed necessary by The County Commissioners of
Dorchester County, Maryland, provided that the said The
County Commissioners of Dorchester County, Maryland, are
able to obtain an agreement with the United States Govern-
ment for a grant in the amount of forty-five per cent. (45%)
of the estimated cost of the building, enlarging, remodeling,
improving, and equipping program hereinafter provided.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said bonds
shall be known as "Dorchester County School Bonds of 1937",
shall have printed, written, or engraved on them a distinct
reference to the Act authorizing the issuance of same, shall
be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars
($1, 000. 00) each, with coupons attached thereto for the pay-
ment of the interest thereon semi-annually, on the first day
of January and the first day of July in each and every year
after the date of issue until the maturity thereof, said bonds
shall be signed by the President of the said The County
Commissioners of Dorchester County, Maryland, and counter-
signed by the Treasurer of Dorchester County, with the cor-
porate seal of the said County affixed thereto, the coupons
thereon shall be signed by the Treasurer of Dorchester Coun-