America, setting forth a description by metes and bounds of
the lands required, is authorized and empowered for and on
behalf of the State of Maryland to grant and convey to the
United States of America all those tracts of land lying in
Prince George's County which are described in accordance
with a survey made by M. A. Pyle, Engineer and Surveyor,
College Park, Maryland, dated January 6, 1934, and partic-
ularly described as follows:
Lot No. 1 BEGINNING at a concrete monument set at the
intersection of the east edge of the right-of-way of Washing-
ton-Baltimore Boulevard and the south edge of the Sunny-
side Road; running thence, by true bearings, (1) with the
south edge of Sunnyside Road south sixty-four degrees
thirty-five minutes two seconds east seven hundred twenty-
seven and nine-tenths feet to a concrete monument set in
the west edge of the right-of-way of the Washington Rail-
way and Electric Company (Columbia & Maryland Railway,
Liber J. W. B. 42, folio 53, etc. ); (2) thence with said west
edge of right-of-way south twenty degrees five minutes thirty-
four seconds west six hundred eighteen five-tenths feet to the
north edge of a fifteen-foot right-of-way in Almira B. Mul-
loy (Liber J. W. B. 16, folio 28); (3) thence with the north
edge of said Mulloy right-of-way north sixty-nine degrees
thirty-two minutes seventeen seconds west one thousand
ninety and three-tenths feet; to the east edge of the right-
of-way of the Washington-Baltimore Boulevard (being part
of the south sixty-four degrees fifty-five minutes east thir-
teen hundred ninety feet line of Liber J. W. B. 18, folio 283;
thence with said east edge of right-of-way of Washington-
Baltimore Boulevard north forty-eight degrees thirty-six
minutes thirty-four seconds east seven hundred seventy-two
and eight-tenths feet to the point of beginning and contain-
ing thirteen and sixty-two one-hundreds acres more or less.
BEING a portion of the lot of ground secondly described
in a deed from H. Clifton Byrd and wife to the State of
Maryland, dated August 16, 1929, and recorded among the
Land Records of Prince George's County in Liber S. D. H.
No. 337, folio 207.
(a) The right-of-way and easements for an Electric Rail-
way acquired by the Columbia and Maryland Railway under
and by virtue of a deed from Fillmore Beall and wife dated
January 11, 1896, and recorded among the Land Records
of Prince George's County in Liber J. W. B. No. 35, folio
257, or which were acquired by said Railway Company under
any other conveyance or in any manner whatsoever.
(b) Deed from Fillmore Beall and wife to Allan L. McDer-