City, and in judgments rendered by the Justices of the Peace
of Baltimore City—appointed at Large.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1937.
Approved March 27, 1937.
AN ACT to add eleven new sections to Article 27 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition and 1935 Supplement)
title "Crimes and Punishments", said new sections to be
placed under a new sub-title reading "Cheltenham School
for Boys", to follow immediately after Section 611, and to
be known as Sections 611-A, 611-B, 611-C, 611-D, 611-E
611-F, 611-G, 611-H, 611-1, 611-J and 611-K; providing for
the establishment of Cheltenham School for Boys as a re-
formatory institution of the State of Maryland for the care
and training of colored male minors; for the acquisition of
the property of the House of Reformation at Cheltenham,
Maryland, for the use of the said Cheltenham School for
Boys; for the control and maintenance of said Cheltenham
School for Boys; and requiring the levying of a per capita
charge upon the respective counties of the State and the
City of Baltimore for colored male minors committed or
transferred to said Cheltenham School for Boys.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That eleven new sections be and the same are hereby
added to Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924
Edition and 1935 Supplement) title "Crimes and Punish-
ments" the said new sections to be placed under a new sub-
title "Cheltenham School for Boys" to follow immediately
after Section 611, and to be known as Sections 611-A, 611-B,
611-C, 611-D, 611-E, 611-F, 611-G, 611-H, 611-1, 611-J, and
611-K, respectively, and to read as follows:
611-A. There shall be established in the State an institu-
tion, to be known as the Cheltenham School for Boys. Said
institution is hereby declared to be a public agency of said
State for the care and reformation of colored male minors
committed or transferred to its care under the laws of this
State. It shall be under the supervision, control and manage-
ment of a Board of Managers to be appointed as hereinafter