AN ACT to add a new sub-title to Article 16 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Mont-
gomery County", immediately after Section 1022 of said
Article, to be known as "Town of Washington Grove", to
add forty-two new sections to said Article, said new sec-
tions to be known as Sections 1023 to 1064, inclusive, and
to follow in consecutive order immediately after Section
1022, creating a body corporate by the name of the "Town
of Washington Grove"; stating power of the town to receive
in trust and dispose of property for its benefit; boundaries
of town; election of Mayor and Town Council, number of
members of Council; terms of office; manner of electing
Mayor and Town Council; time of election, qualification of
voters; judges of elections; power of voters to call elections;
further election in case of tie; Council may fill vacancies
until next annual election; oath of officers; meetings of
Council; Clerk to Council; Mayor to preside at meetings and
sign ordinances, etc., Clerk to keep records, sign checks, etc.,
appoint bailiff to collect taxes, etc., appoint treasurer with
security; tax levy and assessment; levy of service charge for
public service; lien for taxes; amount of tax to be deter-
mined by Mayor and Council who shall direct bailiff to col-
lect same; discount if paid within thirty days; how bailiff
shall collect taxes; sale by bailiff for unpaid taxes, methods
of sale, town may purchase at tax sale; interest on unpaid
taxes; no license to sell liquor; Mayor and Council may
pass ordinances and regulations and provide penalties for
violation; tenant as owner for purpose of assessment; may
collect against tenant, who may charge cost to owners;
fine for violation of ordinances; quorum of Council; service
on absentees and non-residents; County officers have juris-
diction within town; publishing financial reports; promote
religious and other meetings and activities; receive pay from
County for attention to streets; power of voters to call town
meetings and rescind action of Council; appropriation
limited to f 200. 00 except by authorization of voters; amend-
ments to charter; acts inconsistent, herewith repealed; time
this Act takes effect; owners to connect with water and
sewer; Council to have Board of Health Powers; fiscal year
begins July 1, repealing Act of 1874 Chapter 135, Act of
1886 Chapter 90, Act of 1908 Chapter 467, and Act of 1890
Chapter 19.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Montgomery County", be and