WHEREAS, such lack of bridges not only interferes with quick
transportation of goods and people but results in a handicap
to the agricultural and industrial development of the land
areas adjoining these bodies of water, resulting in certain sec-
tions in declining real estate values and gradual loss of
population; and
WHEREAS, the State requires very heavy annual expenditures
for the building and maintenance of State roads and highways
and will be so committed for many years to come, necessarily
postponing much of the proper bridge construction which other-
wise might be undertaken in this State; and
WHEREAS, it is wise and expedient to approach the solution
of this economic problem with foresight, as has been done in
other states, and to make such provision as may be wise and
necessary; and
WHEREAS, the plan pursued successfully in other states has
been to provide for the immediate construction of bridges and
tunnels and the financing of such construction without any
contribution whatever from funds of the State but solely by
means of tolls and revenues to be paid by the users of the
bridges and tunnels so constructed, as a result of which these
states are now receiving the benefits of quick transportation
and will continue to receive such benefits in the years to
come without any cost to the taxpayers of such state, but
under provisions by which the bridges and tunnels will be
paid for by the users and when the cost shall have been re-
paid out of such tolls and revenues, then such bridges and
tunnels become the property of the State and tolls are abol-
ished; and
WHEREAS, it seems advisable for the General Assembly of
the State of Maryland to adopt a bridge and tunnel policy for
the State of Maryland which will provide a method by which
the above-mentioned handicaps may be overcome and the ad-
vantages referred to above secured; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That eighteen new sections be and the same are hereby
added to Article 89B of the 1935 Supplement to the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "State Roads", such
new sections to follow immediately after Section 104 of said
Article under a new sub-title "Revenue Bonds", to be known
as Sections 105 to 122, inclusive, and to read as follows:
TUNNELS. The State Planning Commission and the Highway