(g) Any other suitable process.
(4) In short, to do all such acts as will, in the opinion of
this Commission, enable this State to do its part—or more
than its part in forming a more perfect union among the
various governments in the United States and in developing
the Council of State Governments for this purpose.
20. The Commission shall establish such delegations and
committees as it deems advisable, in order that they may con-
fer and formulate proposals concerning effective means to
secure intergovernmental harmony, and may perform other
functions for the Commission in obedience to its decisions.
Subject to the approval of the Commission, the member or
members of each such delegation or committee shall be ap-
pointed by the Chairman of the Commission. State officials or
employees who are not members of the Commission on Inter-
governmental Cooperation may be appointed as members of
any such delegation or committee, but private citizens holding
no governmental position in this State shall not be eligible.
The Commission may provide such other rules as it considers
appropriate concerning the membership and the functioning of
any such delegation or committee. The Commission may pro-
vide for advisory boards for itself and for its various delega-
tions and committees, and may authorize private citizens to
serve on such boards.
21. The Commission shall report to the Governor and to
the Legislature within fifteen days after the convening of each
regular legislative session, and at such other times as it deems
appropriate. Its members and the members of all delegations
and committees which it establishes shall serve without com-
pensation for such service, but they shall be paid their neces-
sary expenses in carrying out their obligations under this sub-
title. The Commission may employ a secretary and a stenog-
rapher, it may incur such other expenses as may be necessary
for the proper performance of its duties, and it may, by
contributions to the Council of State Governments, participate
with other States in maintaining the said Council's district
and central secretaries, and its other governmental services.
22. The Committees and the Commission established by this
sub-title shall be informally known, respectively, as the Senate
Cooperation Committee, the House Cooperation Committee,
the Governor's Cooperation Committee and the Maryland Co-
operation Commission.
23. The Council of State Governments is hereby declared
to be a joint governmental agency of this State and of the
other States which cooperate through it. ,