to 25, inclusive, providing for a Commission on intergovern-
mental cooperation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That twelve new sections be and they are hereby added
to Article 40 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edi-
tion), title "General Assembly", to be known under sub-title
"Intergovernmental Cooperation", said new sections to be
known as Sections 14 to 25, inclusive, and to read as follows:
14. There is hereby established a standing committee of
the Senate of this State, to be officially known as the Senate
Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation, and to consist
of five Senators, The members and the chairman of this com-
mittee shall be designated in the same manner as is customary
in the case of the members and chairman of other standing
committees of the Senate. In addition to the regular mem-
bers, the president of the Senate shall be ex-officio an honorary
non-voting member of this committee.
15. There is hereby established a similar standing com-
mittee of the House of Delegates of this State, to be officially
known as the House Committee on Intergovernmental Co-
operation, and to consist of five members of the House of
Delegates. The members and the chairman of this committee
shall be designated in the same manner as is customary in
the case of the members and chairman of other standing com-
mittees of the House of Delegates. In addition to the regular
members, the Speaker of the House of Delegates shall be ex-
officio an honorary non-voting member of this Committee.
16. There is hereby established a committee of adminis-
trative officials and employees of this State to be officially
known as the Governor's Committee on Intergovernmental
Cooperation, and to consist of five members. Its members
shall be: the Budget Director or the corresponding official of
this State, ex-officio; the Attorney General, ex-officio; the
chief of the staff of the State Planning Board or the corres-
ponding official of this State, ex-officio; and two other admin-
istrative officials or employees to be designated by the Gover-
nor. If there is uncertainty as to the identity of any of the
ex-officio members of this committee, the Governor shall de-
termine the question, and his determination and designation
shall be conclusive. The Governor shall appoint one of the
five members of this Committee as its chairman. In addition
to the regular members, the Governor shall be ex-officio an
honorary non-voting member of this committee.