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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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Board shall hold regular meetings in the months of June and
November of every year, and special meetings as it may deem
necessary, upon call of the president or secretary thereof and
upon due notice. Meetings may be held at any time and place
and without notice, by the unanimous consent evidenced either
by writing or by the presence of any member whose consent is

4. The Board shall give an examination twice each year at
a suitable place in Maryland to be decided by the Board, to all
persons who may desire to qualify to practice dentistry in this
State. This examination shall be at such time, place, under
such conditions and of such kind or character as the Board in
its sole discretion may determine.

5. (a) Any person of good moral character, twenty-one or
more years of age, who has been graduated and admitted to
the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental
Medicine, or other equivalent degree by any university or col-
lege duly incorporated and authorized to grant said degree by
the laws of the United States or any of its territories, districts
or possessions, or by the laws of any State of the United States,
or the laws of any province of the Dominion of Canada and
recognized by the Board as requiring adequate pre-professional
collegiate training and as maintaining an acceptable course of
dental instruction, may make application in writing to said
Board to be examined by it with reference to his or her quali-
fications to practice dentistry, and upon his or her passing an
examination satisfactory to said Board, which examination
shall be in writing so far as said Board shall deem practicable,
the Board shall cause the name and residence of such person
to be registered in a book kept by it for that purpose, and
shall issue to such person a certificate of registration, as evi-
dence of his or her eligibility to practice dentistry, signed by
the officers of the Board and sealed with its official seal, which
certificate shall also state the name of the person to whom
issued, and the date of such issuance.

(b) The Board may, in its discretion, register without ex-
amination, in whole or in part, and issue a certificate to any
person who has been graduated and admitted to the degree
of Doctor of Dental Surgery or equivalent degree by any uni-
versity or college incorporated and authorized to grant such
degree by the laws of the United States, or any of its terri-
tories, districts or possessions, or by the laws of any State of
the United States or by the laws of any province of the Domin-
ion of Canada and who has been duly registered and licensed
to practice dentistry by a Board of Dental Examiners created
and existing under the laws of the United States, or any of its


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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