Board shall consist of six registered and practicing dentists of
recognized ability and honor, residents of the State of Mary-
land, each of whom shall have been in active practice in the
State for at least five years immediately preceding his ap-
pointment. No member of the faculty or teaching staff of
any university or college in the State of Maryland which offers
undergraduate courses in dentistry shall be eligible for ap-
pointment. The members of the Board as at present consti-
tuted shall hold office for the residue of the respective terms
for which they have been appointed. On the expiration of the
term or terms for which any one or more of the members of
the present Board may have been appointed, in pursuance of
this Article, the Governor shall appoint a successor or succes-
sors from a list of dentists duly qualified as hereinbefore pre-
scribed of double the number of vacancies to be filled, proposed
and submitted to him by the Maryland State Dental Associa-
tion, and chosen by a majority vote of the members of said
association present at a meeting of said association called for
that purpose, of which meeting at least two weeks' notice,
stating the time, place and purpose thereof, shall be mailed by
the Secretary to the members of said association at their re-
spective addresses appearing in the records thereof. The term
for which the members of said Board shall be appointed as
aforesaid shall be six years, and until their successors shall
have been appointed and qualified. No member who has served
two full consecutive terms shall be eligible to succeed himself.
In case of a vacancy occurring in said Board by reason of the
death of any member, or of his incapacity, neglect or refusal
to act, or in any other way, the Governor shall, from a list of
duly qualified dentists of double the number of vacancies to
be filled, chosen, submitted and proposed to him as herein-
before provided, appoint a successor or successors of said
member or members, who shall hold office for the remainder
of the unexpired term or terms of said member or members.
Any member of said Board, who, without adequate reason
shall be absent from two successive meetings thereof shall
cease to be a member thereof, and the Governor shall have the
power to remove from office, at any time, any member of the
Board for continued neglect of duty required by this Act, or
for incompetency, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct.
3. Said Board shall choose one of its members president,
and one secretary thereof, whose duties shall be those usually
appertaining to their respective offices, and shall adopt such
rules, regulations, or by-laws as may be necessary or expedient
to assist it in its organization under this Article. The secre-
tary shall also be the legal custodian of all the property, money,
minutes, records, proceedings and the seal of said Board. Said