said party names, so appearing in said certificate of nomina-
tion, the said candidate shall, in writing, designate to said
Board of Supervisors as the party named which he desires to
be added to the right of his name on the ballot; provided,
however, that such party name shall consist of one word only.
When the name of a political party is given in connection with
the name of a candidate nominated as provided in Section
51 of this Article, it shall be stated on the ballot to the
right of the name of the candidate; but if there shall have
been any nomination for the same office by a convention or
primary election claiming the same party name, duly cer-
tified as hereinbefore provided, there shall be then printed to
the right of the name of the candidate so nominated in ac-
cordance with Section 51, only the word "Independent" and
none other. If the same party name shall be claimed on behalf
of nominations made by more than one convention or primary
election and duly certified as aforesaid, the officers by whom
the ballot is to be prepared, or a majority of them, shall deter-
mine which nominees are justly entitled to the party name,
and to the right of the other nominees there shall be printed
upon the ballot only the word "Independent" and none other.
There shall be left at the right of the surnames of the candi-
dates for President and Vice-President, so formed as to in-
clude both names, a sufficient clear square in which each
voter may designate by a cross (X) Ms choice for elec-
tors, and a cross (X) placed by the voter in the square oppo-
site the names of the candidates of a party for President and
Vice-President shall be deemed and counted as a vote for
each of the Presidential Electors of said party named in the
certificate of nomination filed according to the provisions of
this Article. All candidates for office shall as far as possible
be placed in one column, but when the names to be printed
upon the ticket are over thirty-six, then another column shall
be added in which names shall be printed, and when two or
more columns are used the same number of names shall, so far
as possible, be printed in each column. And the initial letters
of the given or Christian name of the several candidates in
each column shall be printed directly beneath each other in a
vertical line, and the initial letter of the respective party
designations of said several candidates shall be printed
directly beneath each other in a vertical line. A constitutional
amendment, or any question to be submitted to the popular
vote, shall be printed at the bottom of the ballot.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 157, 158,
160 and 162 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, 1924 Edition, title "Elections", sub-title "Electors of
President and Vice-President", be and they are hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows: