663. The Board of County Commissioners, for the safety
and convenience of the public and for the purpose of keeping
the roads and highways in said County from becoming con-
gested by automobiles, motor cars and other vehicles and to
permit the free and unobstructed use of said roads and high-
ways, shall have power, from time to time, and whenever in
its judgment it becomes necessary, to pass and adopt such
reasonable rules, orders and regulations as it may deem proper
regulating, restricting and/or limiting the parking or move-
ment of automobiles or other vehicles on any public highway
of said County, and such orders, rules and regulations, when
the same shall have been so passed, shall have the force and
effect of law and any violation thereof shall subject the per
son or persons so violating the same to the penalties pre-
scribed in this Act; provided that after the passage and adop-
tion of any such rules, orders and regulations the County
Commissioners shall cause to be placed and thereafter main-
tained in conspicuous places along such roads or highways
signs or markers appropriately describing the rules and regu-
lations as may be applicable to the particular road or high-
way; provided further that the County Commissioners shall
keep in its office a separate docket or journal containing all
such rules, orders and regulations passed and adopted pur-
suant to this Act, which journal or docket shall at all times
be open to inspection and examination by the public; and pro-
vided further that in the case of public fairs, games, parades
and/or other public events being held in said County where
a large gathering of people or vehicles along any such road,
street or highway in said County is anticipated, the County
Commissioners may pass and adopt such reasonable rules and
regulations governing the traffic and the movement of vehicles
in the vicinity of any such fair, game, parade, or other public
event as said County Commissioners may deem necessary to
prevent the congestion of such traffic and the obstruction of
such streets, roads, or highways, and such rules and regula-
tions shall have the same force and effect as other rules and
regulations passed pursuant to this Act. The presence along
any such highway, road or street of the signs or markers men-
tioned in this Act shall be prima facie evidence of the passage
of the rules, orders and/or regulations herein provided for.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in case it shall be
judicially determined that any word, phrase, clause, item, sen-
tence, or section of this Act and/or any rule, order or regula-
tion passed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant
hereto or the application thereof to any person or circum-
stances is held invalid, the remaining provisions and the ap-