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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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newspaper or newspapers, or publications as they may select;
and the said County Commissioners shall be in readiness at
any time within fifteen days after the expiration of said no-
tice to receive bids at such place or places as may be named
in said advertisement or advertisements of said bonds, under
such regulations as may be made in the discretion of said
County Commissioners, and the accrued interest between the
date of the bonds or certificates of indebtedness and the time
of the sale and delivery and payment of said bonds shall be ad-
justed with the purchasers thereof under such regulations as
may be, in the discretion of the County Commissioners, just
and proper, and upon the day mentioned in said advertisement
or advertisements as the day for opening said bids for the pro-
posals thereby called for they shall receive such sealed pro-
posals for the purchase of as many of such bonds as may be
mentioned and designated in said advertisement, and on the
opening of such sealed proposals as many of said bonds as have
been so bid for shall be awarded by the County Commissioners
to the highest responsible bidder or bidders thereof for cash, if
the price, in the judgment of said Commissioners, be adequate,
and when two or more bidders have made the same bid and said
bid is the highest and the bonds so bid by the highest respon-
sible bidders are in excess of the whole amount of the bonds
so offered for sale, such bonds shall be awarded to the highest
responsible bidders bidding the same price in a ratable pro-
portion, and if any of such certificates so offered for sale are
not bid for or if an insufficient price be bid for them, in the dis-
cretion of said Commissioners they may be subsequently dis-
posed of by the said County Commissioners for Talbot County
at private sale, upon the best terms that can be obtained for
the same.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1937.

Approved May 18, 1937.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 5 of
Article 62 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edi-
tion), title "Marriages", to fix the time within which mar-
riage license may be issued,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, of Mary-
land, That Section 5 of Article 62 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Marriages", be and it is here-


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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