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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 135   View pdf image (33K)
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Series Amount Redeemable

"A"................ $10, 000 July 1, 1944

"B"................. 10, 000 July 1, 1945

"C"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1946

UD"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1947

"E"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1948

"F"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1949

"G"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1950

"H"................ 10, 000 July 1, 1951

"I"................. 10, 000 July 1, 1952

"J"................. 10, 000 July 1, 1953

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said loan, and
every part thereof, and the interest payable thereon, shall be,
and remain, exempt from State, county and municipal taxation
and that the coupons for interest on the said bonds shall be
receivable by the County Treasurer of Talbot County in pay-
ment of county taxes.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That to redeem, or to pay
and cancel the said bonds issued under this Act, the said
County Commissioners of Talbot County shall annually levy
upon the assessable property of Talbot County a tax sufficient
to pay the bonds maturing during each and every year, and the
interest on all of the bonds authorized and issued under this
Act outstanding and unpaid, or unredeemed, and the amount
of said tax or levy shall be separately kept by the County Com-
missioners for Talbot County, and designated as the "Talbot
County General School Loan Fund 1937. "

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Talbot County are hereby authorized and di-
rected to have prepared the aforesaid bonds of said County, in
good and sufficient form to aggregate the amount of One Hun-
dred Thousand Dollars ($ 100, 000. 00), as evidenced by such
loan, which certificates of indebtedness, or bonds, shall bear
a date as of the time of their issue, and said County Com-
missioners are authorized to expend such sum out of the pro-
ceeds of said bonds for the expenses incident to the prepara-
tion and sale of said bonds.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That in order to provide
for the selling of said bonds the said County Commissioners
are hereby directed to advertise said bonds for sale once a
week for three successive weeks in some newspaper printed and
published in Talbot County, and once a week for three succes-
sive weeks in some newspaper printed and published in Balti-
more City, and if the said Board of County Commissioners
deem it expedient, then to advertise said bonds in such other


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 135   View pdf image (33K)
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