Counties was established; and whereas a portion of said line
was dependent upon the Buffalo Road which does not now in
its entirety occupy its former bed so that a portion of the
division line intended to be established by the first above men-
tioned Act is now indefinite; and whereas it is essential that
the division line from the bridge over Sam's Creek on the
Buffalo Road at what was formerly Warfield's Mill to Parr's
Spring be definitely established.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Charles W. Melville, Norman R, Hess and E. Ed-
ward Martin, of Carroll County, and Abraham H. Derr, U.
Grant Hooper and Jesse I. Renner, of Frederick County, be,
and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey and
locate the division line between Frederick and Carroll Counties
from the bridge over Sam's Creek on the Buffalo Road at what
was formerly Warfield's Mill to Parr's Spring.
SEC. 2. And lie it further enacted, That, the said commis-
sioners shall set up stones on said lands at such points as they
may deem proper and necessary, and mark them number one,
two, and so on progressively through the whole line; and that
the line thus surveyed, located and marked, shall be forever the
proper divisional line between Frederick and Carroll Counties
from the bridge over Sam's Creek on the Buffalo Road at what
was formerly Warfield's Mill to Parr's Spring.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid commis-
sioners shall proceed to the discharge of their duty as soon as
they conveniently can, and in case of a vacancy occurring by
death or disability the vacancy shall be filled by the remaining
commissioners selected on the part of the county in which such
vacancy may exist, so that there shall always be three repre-
sentatives from each county; and in case of disagreement they
may appoint among themselves one commissioner from an ad-
joining county; that before they proceed to business they shall
severally make oath or affirmation before the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court of (heir respective counties that they will, without
favor or prejudice, to the best of their skill and judgment, run
and establish the division line between Frederick and Carroll
Counties from the bridge over Sam's Creek on the Buffalo Road
at what was formerly Warfield's Mill to Parr's Spring, as
nearly as may be, agreeably to the intent and meaning of the
Act passed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
five, chapter two hundred and fifty-six, and confirmed at the
next succeeding session, chapter nineteen; that they shall have
full power and authority to contract with and employ a sur-
veyor, chain carriers and other proper and necessary assist-
ants for the performance of their duty; and that they, or a ma-