make annual levies of the assessable value of land and per-
sonal property of the said Town of Greenbelt, for the pur-
pose of defraying the governmental expenses of said town;
to provide for a Town Manager and other administrative
officers and specify their duties; to provide for the appoint-
ment of a Treasurer to receive and disburse said funds, and
also directing the Board of County Commissioners to pay
over to said Treasurer of the Town of Greenbelt, for the
purpose of the improving, maintaining and repairing of the
roads, streets and alleys of said town, the money collected
on account of the County road and bridge tax, in the same
manner as is now required by law to be paid to incorporated
towns in said County; and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the inhabitants of the Town Greenbelt, in Prince
George's County, are a body corporate by the name of the Town
of Greenbelt, and by that name shall have perpetual succes-
sion, sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, and may
purchase and hold or dispose of real and personal property for
the benefit of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the boundaries of
said town shall be as follows: To include certain properties ly-
ing within the Berwyn and Vansville Districts, Prince George's
County, Maryland, and as described in the following metes and
bounds: —Beginning for the same at a pipe planted on the
north side of the Branchville-Glendale Road, said pipe being 750
feet more or less from a point where Indian Creek crosses the
Branchville-Glendale Road, thence binding on the west line of
Washburn Tract No. 19, N. 38°-43' E. 1513. 28 feet, S. 77°47'
E. 200 feet, N. 29°-57' E. 3765. 5 feet to the Stauffer Tract No.
17A, thence binding on the lines of Stauffer No. 17A and No.
17, N. 49°-20' W. 353. 71 feet, S. 47°-08' W. 249. 65 feet, S. 16°-25'
W. 562 feet, S. 87°-45' W. 782. 7 feet, S. 28°-57' W. 362. 7 feet, S.
43°-30' W. 594. 0 feet, S. 13°-00' W. 198. 0 feet, N. 38°-09' W.
500 feet, S. 43°-30' W. 1089. 0 feet, N. 23°-29' E. 1485 feet, N. 62°
35' W. 130 feet, to the Right of Way of the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad, thence binding on said Right of Way the following
courses and distances N. 36°-35' E. 185 feet, N. 33°-35'E. 291. 8
ft, N. 33°-50' E. 206. 8 ft., N. 32°-50' E. 103. 9 ft., N. 30°-35' E.
195. 8 ft., N. 31°-43' E. 203. 4 ft, N. 30°-40' E. 401. 3 ft, N. 27°-12'
E. 198. 9 ft, N. 24°-05' E. 101. 4 ft., N. 26°-05' E. 101. 4 ft N. 26°-
00' E. 200. 9 ft., N. 23°-40' E. 121 ft. thence leaving said Right of
Way and binding on one of the lines of the University of Mary-
land tract No. 250, N. 56°-20' W. 1157. 38 feet more or less,
thence across the University of Maryland tract No. 250, N.
0°-48'-02" W. 1351. 9 feet, N. 8°-26'-32" E. 1297. 3 feet to the