game except during the open season as provided by law, or
have any dead game in possession during any closed season
whether same was killed within the State of Maryland or in
any other State, territory or country, provided, however, that
dead upland game may be possessed three days after the close
of the open season to be used as food. Provided, however, deer
killed legally in any other State or country may be brought
into this State by the person killing same upon presentation
of permit from said State or country in which said deer was
killed and the required hunter's license of that State or coun-
try, during any closed season for the hunting of same in Mary-
land, provided, said deer or any part thereof shall not be sold
or offered for sale.
(c) It shall be unlawful to hunt or kill any game on Sun-
days or when the ground is covered with snow; provided,
however, it shall be lawful to hunt wild water fowl when the
ground is covered with snow.
(d) Provided, however, it shall be lawful to hunt game
during open season in Garrett, Allegany and Washington
counties when the ground is covered with snow.
(e) It shall be unlawful to hunt any game at night time.
The words "night time" shall be construed to mean the time
beginning with sunset until sunrise the following day; the
time stated by calendar of hour of sunrise and sunset. It
shall be unlawful to hunt any game mentioned herein by use
of automobile lights, spotlight or a light of any description.
It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue or kill any upland game
of any species, except deer, by means of any automatic-loading
or hand-operated repeating shot-gun or rifle capable of holding
more than three shells, the magazine of which has not been cut
off or plugged with a one-piece metal or wooden filler incapable
of removal through the loading end thereof, so as to reduce the
capacity of said gun to not more than three shells at one load-
(f) Provided, however, an owner of a dog or dogs between
September 10th and March 1st, inclusive, may be permitted
to run or train such dogs on Woodcock, English Ring-neck,
Mongolian and Melanistic Mutant Pheasant or any other
imported species, Ruffed Grouse, Rabbit or Hare, and Par-
ridge (Quail), provided an attendant accompanies it or
them, but in so doing, no person shall be allowed or per-
mitted to carry a gun or fire-arms of any description. Pro-
vided, however, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit
their dog or dogs to catch or kill any game during said
Any person allowing any dog or dogs belonging to him to
run at large on any property other than that owned or ten-
anted by him between March 1st and September 9th and