Woodcock, Male English Ring-
neck, Mongolian or Melanistic
Mutant Pheasant or any other
imported species, Ruffed
Grouse, Rabbit or Hare, Wild
Turkey, Partridges (Quail). November 15th to December
31st, inclusive.
Provided, however, it shall be
unlawful to hunt or kill the
female English Ring-neck or
Mongolian or Melanistic Mu-
tant or any other species of im-
ported Pheasant at any time.
Provided, however, it shall be
unlawful to hunt, pursue or
kill any Woodcock, Male
English Ring-necked, Mon-
golian or Melanistic Mutant
Pheasant, or any other im-
ported species, Ruffed Grouse,
Rabbit or Hare, Wild Tur-
key, Partridges (Quail) in
Garrett and Allegany Coun-
ties except between Novem-
ber 1st to November 30th,
Male Deer, with two or more
points to one antler.......... May be hunted, pursued, or
killed only between December
1st and December 5th, inclu-
sive, except on the Wood-
mont Rod and Gun Club in
Washington County, Decem-
ber 15th to December 24th
(a) It shall he unlawful for any person to set any trap (ex-
cept box traps for rabbits), net or snare of any description,
for the purpose of taking game, except fur-bearing animals. If
any person is found in possession of any trap, net or snare, it
shall be prima facie evidence that said devices were in posses-
sion for the purpose of violating this section, and shall be
confiscated by any officer of this State and destroyed. It shall
be unlawful for any person to place any traps of any descrip-
tion on the property of another without their written per-
(b) It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap,
shoot or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap or shoot any