year 1938, the last general registration shall be revised
by the Board of Registry in each precinct where such
election is to be held, and for that purpose a Board of
Registry shall meet on the Tuesdays, respectively, six and
four weeks preceding the regular election in November,
and shall hold a session from 2 o'clock P. M. to 10 o'clock
P. M., and names may be added to the registers in the same
way upon sworn application, as in the case of a general regis-
tration, and all the same forms and requirements shall be
observed. If it shall appear that any applicant had been upon
the registers in any other precinct or election district in the
State of Maryland at any time since the beginning of the last
general registration for such precinct, his name shall not be
added to the registers when application is made until he pro-
duces a certificate of removal given him by the Board of Reg-
istry for such other precinct, or by the Board of Supervisors
of Elections or a clerk to be designated by them for the city or
county in which said precinct is located, which certificate
shall be in substance as follows:................ Precinct,
............ Ward or county. This is to certify that the name
of.............. heretofore residing at............... in this
precinct has been stricken from the registry of the precinct
and proper erasures made, and that upon the registers of this
precinct the following entries appear with reference to him:
Name............. color............. residence............;
nativity..........; time of residence in precinct..........;
time of residence in city or county........................;
time of residence in State..........; naturalized..........;
date of papers..............; Court..............; qualified
voter............; date of application............
Board of Registry.
The foregoing certificate shall be granted by the Board of
Registry when in session, or by the Board of Supervisors of
Elections or a clerk to be designated by them prior to said
session of the Board of Registry, under the following regula-
tions, that is to say: If at the time when the application
for said removal certificate is made the name of said voter is
already erased from the registers, then it shall be the duty of
said Board of Registry to grant the certificate to the voter
himself or to any other person making application therefor,
but if at the time such application is made the name of the
voter be still upon the registries of voters as a qualified voter,
the removal certificate shall be granted and the name stricken
off only upon personal application of such voter to the said