dred Thousand Dollars ($ 100, 000. 00), and for the construction
and equipment of a new dormitory building One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00), aggregating Two Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($200, 000. 00), of which Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50, 000. 00) shall be from the issue of August 15, 1937,
and One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ 150, 000. 00) shall
be from the issue of February 15, 1938.
(10) To the State Board of Welfare for the equipment of the
shops for State use activities at the Maryland Penitentiary
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00), and for the
remodeling and alterations to piping and plumbing at the
Penitentiary Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00), aggre-
gating One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, -
000. 00); of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100, -
000. 00) shall be from the issue of June 15, 1937, and Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00) from the issue of February 15,
(11) To the State Board of Welfare for the equipment of
the shops for State use activities at the Maryland House of
Correction Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00), and for the
reconstruction of water supply and sewerage disposal plant
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00), aggregating One Hun-
dred Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00), of which Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50, 000. 00) shall be from the issue of June 15, 1937,
and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00) shall be from the
issue of February 15, 1938.
(12) To the State Board of Welfare, One Million, Five Hun-
dred Thousand Dollars ($1, 500, 000. 00), of which One Million,
Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1, 250, 000. 00) shall be
for the construction and equipment at the Penal Institution
at Roxbury, and Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars
($250, 000. 00) for the construction and equipment of a separate
institution for women prisoners to be built on the grounds of
the House of Correction at Jessups at a sufficient distance
from the male prison, as approved by proper segregation; of
the foregoing amounts Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dol-
lars ($750, 000. 00) shall be from the issue of June 15, 1937,
and Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750, 000. 00)
shall be from the issue of October 15, 1938.
(13) To the Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium for the con-
struction and equipment of a building or buildings for the
accommodation of two hundred patients at the Henryton
Sanatorium Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200, 000. 00);
for the installation of new mechanical equipment, including
boilers, stokers, engines and generators and other needed
mechanical units at the Henryton Sanatorium Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50, 000. 00); and for the construction and equipment
of a superintendent and staff's residence or apartment at