ous to traffic or otherwise required in the acquisition of
land to be used for public street or right of way purposes.
Improvements in width, alignment and/or grade, the channel-
ization or other treatment of highway or street intersections,
the preparation of plans and specifications in connection
with, any improvements, the improvement of roadsides includ-
ing tree planting and other landscaping.
(2) The acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation of
lands and buildings required for play grounds or other recre-
ational activities.
(3) The installation, operation and maintenance of light-
ing equipment for highways, streets or intersections, for a
period not exceeding two years. Provided, that all or any
part of the funds allocated for street or highway improve-
ments or construction may be used in. addition to and in
conjunction with any available State or Federal funds, and the
said County Commissioners are hereby authorized to enter
into a contract with the State Roads Commission, the Fed-
eral Works Agency, Public Roads Administration, or any
other Federal. State, Regional or local agency of government
with regard to such improvements as may be required by the
terms of said contract to pay the funds contracted to be paid
to said administration or agency.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That One Hundred
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) of the proceeds of the said
bonds or any issues thereof, be allocated by the County Com-
missioners to the Maryland National Capital Park and Plan-
ning Commission for the following purposes:
(1) Park improvements including the acquisition and/or
development of land required in a planned park and parkway
system and the construction of park roads and buildings
including an administration building.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Advisory
Board authorized by Chapter 662 of the Acts of 1945, shall
have and exercise as to the proceeds of the bonds issued
under the provisions of this Act, all the powers conferred
and perform all the duties imposed on said Board as to the
proceeds of the bonds issued under said Chapter 662 of 1945,
insofar as the same may be applicable. Said Advisory Board
shall be a self perpetuating body and the members thereof
shall elect from time to time, the successor of any member
of said Board who refuses to serve, dies or resigns or if
disqualified by reason of his removal from the Metropolitan
District of said County, provided that any such successor
shall be a resident of said Metropolitan District. On the