erly along the center line of Wisconsin Avenue to the place
of beginning, the County Commissioners of said Montgomery
County are hereby authorized and empowered to levy annu-
ally against all of the real and personal property within
said area a tax sufficient, but not in any event more than
twenty-five (25) cents on each one hundred ($100.00)
dollars of the assessable value of the real and personal
property within said area, to pay the annual require-
ments or expenditures necessary to establish, maintain
and operate the said fire department, said tax to be
determined, levied, collected and paid over in the following
manner: At least thirty (30) days before the tax levying
period of each year the County Commissioners of said county
may certify to the Chevy Chase Fire Department, Inc., its
successor or successors, the whole assessable value of the
real and personal property within said area. Said Chevy
Chase Fire Department, Inc., its successor or successors,
shall then determine the amount necessary to be raised for
the ensuing year to establish, maintain and operate the said
fire department, and then after determining the number of
cents for one hundred ($100.00) dollars of said assessable
value necessary to raise the required amount for the ensuing
year shall certify the same to the said County Commissioners.
The said County Commissioners in their next annual levy
are herewith authorized to levy said tax or such part thereof
as in their judgment is needed to provide adequate fire pro-
tection in the area described in this sub-heading on all land
and improvements and any other property assessed for
county tax purposes within said area, and the tax so levied
and shall be collected as county taxes now are or may be
hereafter by law levied and collected, and have the same
priority, rights, bear the same interest and penalties and in
every respect be treated the same as county taxes. The taxes
so levied for the ensuing year shall be collected by the tax
collecting authorities of said county and every sixty (60)
days they shall remit the whole amount of the taxes so
levied and collected to the Treasurer of the said Chevy Chase
Fire Department, Inc., or its successor or successors, upon
the said Treasurer giving a corporate bond to said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County to be approved by
the Judge of the Circuit Court for said county in a penal
sum to be fixed by said Judge, conditioned upon the faithful
discharge of the duties of said Treasurer. From the money
so received the Treasurer of the said Chevy Chase Fire De-
partment, Inc., its successor or successors, shall pay all
proper costs, expenses, claims and demands, including sal-
aries to firemen of said fire department, payments on account