with the Public Local Laws of Prince George's County applic-
able to the election of officers in said City of Mount Rainier.
All voters so registered shall be entitled to vote for the
councilmen whose position is created by this Act and for all
other elective officers of said City who are to be voted upon
by all of the voters of the City.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That beginning with the
municipal levy to be made for the tax year 1948, the persons
resident and the property situate within the territory which
by this Act is annexed to the City of Mount Rainier, shall
be subject to the same taxes, assessments, license fees and
charges as are now imposed in said City of Mount Rainier,
or may be hereafter imposed, provided, however that for the
current tax year of 1947 the property situated within the
annexed territory covered by this Act, shall be subject to the
regular City tax rate reduced by three-fourths. The Treasurer
of the City of Mount Rainier is authorized and required, in
addition to the duties heretofore imposed upon him, to collect
all municipal taxes, assessments, license fees and charges
levied, assessed and imposed by the Mayor and City Council
of Mount Rainier, upon all persons resident and property
situate within said annexed territory, and for the purpose
of levying, assessing and collecting such taxes, assessments,
license fees and charges within such annexed territory, there
is hereby made available to the Mayor and City Council of
Mount Rainier the same authority now or hereafter provided
by law for said purposes within the City of Mount Rainier.
Whenever provision is made by law for the payment to
incorporated towns or cities of their distributive share of any
tax, appropriation or allotment after September 1, 1947, the
proportionate share due the Mayor and City Council of Mount
Rainier shall be computed and paid upon the basis of the
corporate limits of the City of Mount Rainier as enlarged
by this Act as of October 1, 1947.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That all roads, streets,
avenues or alleys other than State Highways, lying within
the territory annexed to the said City of Mount Rainier by
this Act, and heretofore dedicated or acquired under the pro-
vision of any laws of the State of Maryland, shall be subject
to all provisions of law then in force in regard to the accep-
tance, non-acceptance, repair, maintenance, construction or
street improvements and the levying of assessments therefor
upon abutting property, of, in, or upon public highways
in the said City by the Mayor and City Council of Mount