the work of his office as the said work may require, the salary
of said clerks to be paid by the County Commissioners of
said County as said County Commissioners may determine;
provided, however, that two of said clerks shall each be paid
Twenty-four Hundred Dollars ($2,400) per year, two clerks
shall each be paid Twenty-one Hundred Dollars ($2,100) per
year, two clerks shall each be paid Two Thousand Dollars
($2,000) per year, and one clerk shall be paid Eighteen Hundred
Dollars ($1,800) per year; the treasurer may also appoint tem-
porary clerks, with the approval of the County Commissioners
the compensation of whom shall be such as may be provided in
the budget; it being the intent and purpose of this section that
the treasurer shall always be a full time officer and be in per-
sonal attendance regularly upon the duties of his office; and
no extra compensation of any kind whatsoever shall be al-
lowed said treasurer or be claimed or received by him directly
or indirectly. If the treasurer or any clerk, agent or deputy
shall violate this section, or any other section of this Act,
the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of not
less than $100, nor more than $500, for each and every offense,
one-half thereof to the school fund of said county. The said
salary and compensation so allowed shall not be retained
by the treasurer out of the collections made, but shall be paid
him by the clerk by check, as other claims are paid. Pro-
vided, that the change in the basis and amount of the com-
pensation of the treasurer, as hereinbefore prescribed and
limited shall not become effective during the term of office for
which the incumbent was elected, but that during said term,
the compensation and basis thereof shall remain under the
present law.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1947.
Approved April 16, 1947.
(House Bill 577)
AN ACT to amend the 1943 Edition of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Prince George's County, being Article 17 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, compiled and
edited by Horace E. Flack, by adding thereto a new section
1199(a) relating to the Town of Riverdale, to authorize the