worn by said Superintendent of Police as the Police Commis-
sioners may prescribe. The Superintendent of Police shall
have full control and supervision over the other members of
the force and shall assign them to such duties and to such
lours as he may judge best. He shall make, with the approval
of the Police Commissioners, such rules and regulations for
their proper government and discipline as he may deem best
to promote the efficiency of said force, a copy of such rules and
regulations to be furnished to each member of the force. He
shall have exclusive and full control and supervision over the
lock-up in the sub-station in the upper portion of the county
and commitments by Justices of the Peace of persons arrested
in said county may be made either to the Superintendent of
Police or to the Sheriff of said county in the discretion of the
said Justice of the Peace making such commitment.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Section 414 of the
the Code of Public Local Laws of Prince George's County
(Flack's Edition, 1943), as enacted by Chapter 50, Section 6,
of the Acts of 1937, Chapter 542, Section 2, of the Acts of
1939, and Chapter 611, Section 3, of the Acts of 1943, be, and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
414. The Sergeants of the Prince George's County Police
shall receive a salary of Three Thousand One Hundred and
Thirty Dollars ($3,130.00) per annum each, payable in equal
monthly installments and no other fees or compensation
whatever, the Corporals shall receive a salary of Two Thou-
sand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,850.00) per annum
each, payable in equal monthly installments and no other fees
or compensation whatever, and the other members of the police
force, including Desk Clerks, shall receive a salary of Two
Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($2,180.00) per
annum each, for the first or probationary year of service, Two
Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($2,880.00) for
the second year, Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty
Dollars ($2,580.00) for the third year, and Two Thousand Six
Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($2,670.00) for the fourth year,
payable in equal monthly installments and no other fees or
compensation whatever, except that the Police Commissioners
are authorized to pay the actual expenses for the maintenance
and upkeep of each automobile used by any member of
the Police Force for police purposes, under due authority
of the Police Force, and the sum of One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00 per annum for uniforms for each of
said Lieutenants, Sergeants, Corporals and members of the
police force. Members of the existing police force who may be