and augmenting the water supply of the area served by said
Commission, including the construction or enlargement of any
impounding reservoir, filter plant or pumping station, and
all the necessary pipe lines and accessories appurtenant
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
retiring bonds authorized to be issue by this Act, and pay-
ment of the interest thereon, there shall be levied against all
of the assessable property within the Sanitary District, by the
County Commissioners of Montgomery and Prince George's
Counties, annually, so long as said bonds are outstanding and
not paid, a tax sufficient to meet the interest on said bonds,
and to pay the principal thereof as the said principal and in-
terest mature or become due; said tax shall be determined,
levied, collected and paid over to said Commission in the
manner provided by Section 6 of said Chapter 122, or any
amendment thereof, and all of the provisions of said Section 6
shall apply to the bonds issued hereunder.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said Commission
shall annually determine the amount necessary to meet the
principal and interest requirements of said bonds, and shall
annually fix the water service charge of said District at such
a sum as to produce, in addition to the costs of said service,
and the requirements of any other bonds issued and outstand-
ing the annual requirements of which are to he paid out of
said water service, the amount determined as necessary to pay
the annual requirements of the bonds hereby authorized. The
sum so collected annually from water service charges shall be
deducted from the amount which the Commission has deter-
mined to be necessary to be raised by direct taxation upon
certification to the County Commissioners of said Counties.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said Commission is
hereby empowered and authorized to accept from the Govern-
ment of the United States or any of its agencies, any gift,
advance or loan which, in the opinion of said Commission,
may be advantageous as a contribution or advance on the cost
of the construction provided for in Section 2 hereof, and said
Commission and its officers are authorized to enter into any
contract or agreement with the Government of the United
States or any of its agencies for the purpose of effecting any
such gift, advance or loan.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1947.
Approved April 16, 1947.