(c) The Board shall establish and maintain one store only,
located within the corporate limits of Cambridge, said store
to be known as the Dorchester Liquor Dispensary, for the
sale of all alcoholic beverages except beer, in sealed packages
or containers, which packages or containers shall not be
opened nor their contents consumed upon the premises where
83. For the purpose of establishing and operating said
dispensary, the County Commissioners of Dorchester County
may advance, from time to time to the Liquor Control Board,
such sum or sums of money, not exceeding $15,000, as may
be necessary to provide adequate working capital for said
Liquor Control Board and said County Commissioners may
borrow, upon the credit of said County, such sum or sums
as may be necessary to meet such advances, and the said
Liquor Control Board may also borrow, from time to time,
upon the credit of said Board from any banking institution;
provided, however, that the aggregate sum advanced to or
borrowed by the Liquor Control Board shall at no time
exceed $15,000. All sums advanced to the Liquor Control
Board by the County Commissioners, and all sums borrowed
by the County Commissioners or the Liquor Control Board
shall bear interest not exceeding 4% per annum, and shall
be paid together with the interest thereon, out of the receipts
from sales made at the County Liquor Dispensary.
84. (a) The Liquor Control Board shall have full power
and authority:
(1) To appoint such employees as may be necessary to
conduct such County Liquor Dispensary, fix their compensa-
tion and require such bonds for the faithful performance of
their duties as the Board may in each case determine.
(2) To purchase from any licensed wholesaler or manu-
facturer any alcoholic beverage except beer upon which tax
imposed by this Article has been paid, and to purchase from
any non-resident producer or dealer any such alcoholic bever-
ages and import the same for resale, as hereinafter provided;
but such importations shall not be resold until the excise tax
has been paid.
(3) To sell such alcoholic beverages in sealed containers,
as above provided, at such prices as may be determined by
the Board.
(4) To refuse to sell any such alcoholic beverages to any
person or persons, who, in the judgment of the Board, is not
a suitable person to purchase or consume such beverages.