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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 605   View pdf image (33K)
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Headquarters Clerks, Forty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
($47.50) each per week for the first year, Fifty-one Dollars
($51.00) each per week for the second year and Fifty-six Dol-
lars ($56.00) each per week for the third year.

Matrons, Forty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($47.50) for
the first two years and Fifty-two Dollars ($52.00) each per
week for the third year and thereafter;

Stenographers, Three Thousand One Hundred and Twenty
Dollars ($3,120) per annum;

Superintendent of Telephone and Signal Division, Ninety-
five Dollars ($95.00) each per week;

Lineman (foreman), Seventy-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents
($77.50) per week;

Other Linemen, Seventy Dollars ($70.00) each per week;
Charwomen, Thirty Dollars ($30.00) each per week;

Chauffeurs, Forty-eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($48.50) per
week for the first year, Fifty-three Dollars and Fifty Cents
($53.50) each for the second year and Fifty-seven Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($57.50) each per week for the third year and

Chief Engineer, Marine Division, Three Thousand Dollars
($3,000) per annum;

Engineers, Marine Division, Two Thousand Seven Hundred
Dollars ($2,700) each per annum;

Firemen, Marine Division, Two Thousand Six Hundred Dol-
lars ($2,600) each per annum;

Foremen, Traffic Signal Division, Three Thousand One Hun-
dred and Twenty Dollars ($3,120);

Maintenance Men and Laborers, Forty-seven Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($47.50) per week;

Chief Machinist, Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per week;

Machinists, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each per week for the
first year, Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) each for the second year
and Sixty Dollars ($60.00) each per week for the third year
and thereafter;

Machinist, Radio Division, Sixty-seven Dollars and Fifty
Cents ($67.50) per week;

Printer, Fifty-seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($57.50) per


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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 605   View pdf image (33K)
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