SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the citizens of the Town of Eldorado, in Dor-
chester County, are hereby constituted a body corporate un-
der the name of the Commissioners of Eldorado, and as such
may have perpetual succession, and by that name may sue
and be sued, purchase, hold and dispose of real, personal and
mixed property for the benefit of said town, own, use and
alter, as may be required, a common seal, and exercise certain
other privileges hereinafter specified.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the corporate
limits of the said Town shall be included within the following
metes and bounds, to wit: Beginning for the outlines of the
same at an iron pipe driven in the ground on the northeast
side of the State Road leading from Eldorado to Sharptown
at a point opposite the east corner of the Eldorado Elemen-
tary School, and thence (1) South 33 degrees 30 minutes
West, 1,344 feet, crossing said State Road, and running and
binding- with the land of W. D. Elliott to a stake planted in
the ground; thence, (2) North 61 degrees 30 minutes West,
413 feet, to an iron pipe driven in the ground on the east side
of the State Road leading from Eldorado to Brookview;
thence (3) North 26 degrees West, 243 feet, crossing said
State Road, and running to a cherry tree; thence (4) North
31 degrees 45 minutes East, 108 feet, to a persimmon tree;
thence (5) North 55 degrees 30 minutes West, 228 feet to a
stone; thence continuing in a straight line, (6) North 55 de-
grees 30 minutes West, 75 feet, to the east side of Mill Creek,
and an iron pipe there planted; thence (7) in a northerly
direction, runnning and binding with the said east side of
Mill Creek, and the meanderings thereof, be the distance
whatever it may be to an iron pipe; thence (8) South 76
degrees 45 minutes East 58 feet, crossing a county road,
which leads from Eldorado to Harrison Perry, to a stone on
the east side of said road; thence (9) South 54 degrees 30
minutes East, 1,325 feet, running and binding with the land
of Kennerly Hackett, and crossing the State Road which
leads from Eldorado to Finchville, to an iron pipe driven in
the ground at a point 127 feet from the southeast side of said
road; thence (10) South 36 degrees 30 minutes West, 819
feet, running and binding with the land of Luke K. Hackett,
3rd., to a stone on the said northeast side of the said State
Road leading from Eldorado to Sharptown; and thence (11)
South 55 degrees 45 minutes East, 264 feet, running and bind-
ing with the said northeast side of said State Road, to the
place of beginning, containing within said courses and dis-
tances, metes and bounds, an area of 55 acres of land, more or