Department for Baltimore City and to have and exercise
within the limits of Baltimore City all .the power commonly
known as the Police Power to the same extent as the State
has exercised or could exercise said power within said limits,
including the power to fix the number, salaries and compensa-
tion of all the officers and employees (which for a period of
three years from the effective date of this Act shall not be
less than the compensation and salaries paid on January 1,
1947), but, provided, "however, that no ordinance of the City
or any Act of any municipal officer shall establish, terminate,
regulate or control the appointment or promotion of members
of the Police Department of Baltimore City or the method of
establishing eligibility for such appointment or promotion.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Super-
visors of Elections of Baltimore City shall cause to be printed
on the ballots to be cast at the next ensuing general election,
being the municipal election to be held in said City on the
Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1947, the title of this
Act and immediately beneath said title, the two following
For appointment of Police Commissioner by the Governor.
For appointment of Police Commissioner by the Mayor,
with the usual box or voting space opposite each of said state-
ments. If, at said election, a majority of the votes cast thereat
in relation to this Act shall be in favor of the appointment of
the Police Commissioner by the Mayor, as herein provided,
then Sections 1 and 2 of this Act shall go into effect and be-
come operative as of July 1, 1947 and if a majority of the votes
so cast at said election shall be in favor of the appointment of
the Police Commissioner by the Governor, then Sections 1 and
2 of this Act shall not go into effect or become operative, and
the appointing power and Section 6 (22) "Police Power" of
the Charter of said City shall remain unchanged.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Sections 1, 2 and 3
of this Act shall not alter or affect the term of the present in-
cumbent in office of Police Commissioner of Baltimore City
and that should Sections 1 and 2 go into effect and become
operative the Mayor of Baltimore City shall not appoint a
Police Commissioner until the expiration of the term of the
present incumbent in office or until the office becomes vacant
by reason of death, resignation or removal in accordance with
law, of the present incumbent.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the imme-