This bill appears to be a desirable piece of legislation but
careful consideration reveals it to be impractical and it is
likely to leave the people of Caroline County without an ade-
quate milk supply. It provides for testing cattle for Bangs
Disease. Since Bangs disease is one of the most difficult to
control, I question whether producers or distributors in Caro-
line County or elsewhere can insure that their supply comes
from herds free of Bangs disease.
I have been informed that there is no law in any State or
political sub-division, or regulation by any Health Depart-
ment, requiring pasteurized milk to originate in Bangs free
herds. There are two reasons for this: first, it is impossible
to insure a stable supply from such a source; second, pas-
teurization destroys the organism.
The State Department of Health has studied this bill and
is opposed to its approval. The Department states that the
dairies which supply Caroline County with milk would be
unable to comply with the provisions of this law and that the
people of Caroline County would not have an adequate supply
of milk.
If it is true that several cases of undulant fever in Caroline
County were traced to pasteurized milk, the reason lies in
improper pasteurization and indicates that more rigid in-
spection of the pasteurization plants is needed.
For the above reasons, the bill will be vetoed.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sub-sec-
tion (Carroll County) of Section 100 of Article 52 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1943 Supplement), title "Jus-
tices of the Peace", sub-title "Trial Magistrate System", re-
lating to number, compensation and duties of trial magis-
trates in Carroll County.
This bill abolishes the office of a magistrate who is required
to sit at Manchester, Mt. Airy, Taneytown, Union Bridge
and Sykesville, and imposes those duties upon the magistrate
who is required to sit at Westminster. It has been passed
as an emergency law to take effect May 5, 1947.
The constitutionality of the bill is questionable under Sec-
tion 2 of Article XVI of the Constitution.
The bill has been vetoed.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
6 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939